1000+ Ucapan Hari Ibu Bahasa Inggris Yang Menyentuh Hati

Ibu merupakan segalanya di hidupku, Kata kata saja tidak dapat mengatakan betapa aku mencintaimu ibu. Betapa aku berhutang dan bangga padamu ibu. Aku harap ibu juga tahu bahwa aku anakmu yang akan selalu ada untukmu.

Ibu sosok manusia yang tangguh yang memiliki kekuatan komplit. Adakalanya ia membantu suami dalam mengais risky atau membanting tulang dalam membanggakan anak anaknya, Ibu rela mengedepankan keepntingan anak anaknya dari pada kepentingan pribadinya.

Ibu tak akan bisaku bayar pengorbananmu, Tak akan bisa ku bayar pengorbanan nyawamu sewaktu melahirkanku. Nafasmu bisa saja berhenti sewaktu - waktu dan untuk selamanya. Tapi semua itu kau lakukan demi aku anakmu, untuk dapat melihat terangnya dunia.

Ibu adalah cinta abadi, Sebuah cinta yang luar biasa, seseorang yang membantu mengatasi semua masalah Anda, dia adalah salah satu yang benar-benar peduli. Ibu, engkau segalanya bagiku, aku sangat menyayangimu.

Cinta semua ibu sama indahnya! Apapun profesinya, di manapun tempat kerjanya semua ibu punya cinta yang sama untuk anak-anaknya. Beruntunglah kita yang kecil bisa dekat dengan ibu dan merasakan cinta kasihnya yang sangat indah.

Dalam menyambut hari ibu yang kita peringati pada tanggal 22 desember dan tepatnya pada hari Minggu, 22 desember 2019. Kali ini saya akan berbagi mengenai ucapan hari ibu bahasa inggris untuk Ibu tersayang anda.

ucapan hari ibu 2019 bahasa inggris

Happy Christmas Party and New Year good luck always. May the light of Christmas dwell in our hearts and be a light to the family. As well as others.

Christmas is the time when someone's past is forgotten, and his presence today is remembered.
Merry Christmas.

May we all be blessed with endless Christmas blessings. May Santa not forget to grant you supplication. Hohoho... Merry Christmas.

Our family wishes you a Merry Christmas and a New year. May you be healthy and prosperous in the new year.

May peace and Christmas be with us in this new year. Merry Christmas.

Hopefully, at the end of this year, we are all happy and blessed. Merry Christmas.

May you, your family, and all of us have the blessings of Christmas and happiness, especially in the new year to come.

Mother's love, not to be unstoppable even though I'm not near you.

Mother is everything for us. Only that's what we love most in this world. 

Mom I want to tell you how much I love you, that I really need you. Thank you so much for caring for us! Happy Mothers Day...

Mother thank you for bringing sunshine into my life.

I want to tell you how much I love you, that I really need you. Thank you so much for caring for us. 

Mother... Sit back and enjoy your day! I love you. Thank you for always there for me, for all the warm and happy memories that mother gave. Happy Mothers Day.

May the flowers enlighten your days, because you have enlightened my day in many ways. Everything around you feels love. Thank you for being the best mother in the world for me.

Mother is a wonderful mother. Hopefully, on this special day, mama is filled with happiness. Happy Mothers Day.

The most beautiful award in my life is born from your mother's Rhimmu. The greatest woman who always gave her great love. The strongest woman who is always ready to sacrifice without demanding a response. Happy Mothers Day, my beloved mother.

Mother, you've seen when I'm sad and shed tears. You also became a witness when I laughed happily. Yes, in all the moments of my life you've always been with me.

Although I don't always say this. But you definitely feel the magnitude of my desire to make you happy.

I may never say thank you for all that thou hast done for me.

Thank you for all the compassion that you devote to relentlessly. Forgive me, your child who always makes you worried. You are my eyes, mother, my love illuminates all my life.

Mother's love, it won't be unstoppable even though I'm not closer to you. Your prayers continue to flow following the footsteps of my feet throughout the world. Your love has covered me for a lifetime. My world is your hope, and you always pray the best for me.

Itulah beberapa ucapan hari ibu dalam bahasa inggris. Semoga ibu diseluruh duna diberi kesehatan, kebahagiaan kepada anak-anaknya. Semoga postingan ini dapat bermanfaat untuk anda semua yang sedang mencari informasi mengenai ucapan hari ibu ahasa inggris.